Here are a 'few' pictures of our birthday getaway / spring break vacation to California. Unfortunately this is all I had time for today but soon to come will be bucketloads of videos from this particular little adventure.

Halfway there. Meetin' up with my Aunt Renee.

Chey wearing a pilot's hat...

Finally there!

Me, Chey, and our Grandpa Tony at my Great Grandma's in Sunland.

My Gramps serenading us all with his ol' hippy tunes.

At some cooleo Mexican restaurant with my Grandpa, Uncle Eddy, and my Aunt Renee (far left).

Picking oranges from the great big orange tree in my Great Grandma's back yard.

Gettin' some ice cream from a place where my mom and Aunt Renee used to get it when they were kids.

In Santa Monica where we happened across this crazy diet coke promotion thingamajig. They asked if me and Chey if we wanted our picture taken with a heart that said "I heart..." on it (of course we had to fill in the rest). So we totally did it. The picture below is the end result which was posted on their website.

I have nothing to do with what the heart says. We had a limited amount of time to think of something to write on it and while I was pondering something profound Chey was scribbling away... It's still pretty cute but somewhat gayish.

some random filthy bum laying in a park

A neato street performer. He sang, played guitar, harmonica, and the same time! I liked him.

Part of the Santa Monica pier

Under the Santa Monica pier

In Beverly Hills, where they do not allow fast food restaurants....snobs.

My dream house...

My Gramps took us to Universal Studios

My Aunt Nicole and Vinny

A random fake building

The actual set of the 'War of the Worlds' plane crash scene.

Grandpa and Chey sitting in the front row of the Jurassic Park water ride.

Me and Chey in front of the Hard Rock Cafe. We didn't actually eat there tho, just posed in front the GIANT guitar.

On the "red carpet".

My dream bike... (twas a two seater)

Ugh! But we ended up renting this bike...more like a golf cart, to tour around Santa Barbara / Newport Beach.

Me and Great Grandmumsie

My dream boat...

My dream car...

Driving on the grass wasn't as great of an idea as we thought.


Another bum and most likely all his earthly possessions on his bike.


The marina is behind us

A bum with a crushed beer can laying next to his hand...hmmm...

Love these pix of my Mom and Aunt Renee

Below are just a bunch of random pix of me and my fam.

On the tour boat around Balboa Island.

Nicolas Cage's house (until he moved out due to an intruder)

Sylvester Stallone's house

George Clooney's house

At the Pavilion (a real fancy-shmancy up restaurant)

Chillaxin' with my Grandpa

At Phillippe's, apparently a world renowned restaurant, on my 18th birthday!!!

Makin' a stop in Chinatown

The point of this picture was so you could see the all Chinese newspaper I bought for a quarter. I thought it was neat.

Heading to the canyon. I think the mountain in this picture is called Camel's Back, it's a little difficult to see tho unless you were actually there.

Me, picking flowers.

There were these freaky stone towers everywhere. I just had to photograph at least one.

Saying goodbye... :0(

On the plane ride home I happened to be stuck sitting all by lonesome with these two big burly foreign strangers as my only source of company... twas quite awkward.
3 Creative Observation(s):
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! Looks like it was loads of funtastical magic!!!
Julia and i were thinking that maybe we should all save moola (you me chey, jules, and our cousins) and like take a big trip somewhere. Anywhoozle ttyl!!!
Yeah mans... for like seriousness. I've already thought this thing through. I think that we should totally go on a road trip together!!! I would love nothing more. But there is only one problem. Age. If we choose to do this thing we would have to wait years in order to bring Julia, Wes, and Chey along... :o( and by then who knows where we'll be in life. Hmmm.... we'll find a way. You have no idea how much I seriously want to do something like this. Love and miss ya muches and muches!!!
hi johanna may god bless and keep you always may your wishs all come true love you granpa california
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