Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tecumseh High!!!!!!!

HIDEY HO!!!! I know I haven't posted in awhile, I'm sorry. But it's really hard balancing school, home, church, etc. and blogging happens to be last on my list of relevance. Anyhoo, here is a collage of random school pix.

Pix of the school.

the auditorium

the cafeteria

Goofin' Off
(in Animal Science class)
To the left is Dalton and to the right is Joe.

Joe's foot (left), Dalton's foot (right)

Our school homecoming game.

Me and Lizz

Me and Shelby

4 Creative Observation(s):

Mike Giardino said...

Yahoo ... Blog updates, I love the pics. So glad your finally getting a higher education! Jk anywhoozle... I have some sweet stuff planned for my blog so stay on the look out!!! Ok done, love ya cuz!

Katie said...

So how are you enjoying school? I haven't heard from ya in a while, but it looks like your doing pretty well. ; ) Praying for you!

Jacob Coe said...

Hey!! I hope your having a good day! Write soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like school! Looks like you are having a fun senior year!