Random pix of us in Dale passing out tracts and whatnot.
Haley was completely convinced that she could touch the tree with her foot if she gained the right amount of momentum. She was on that swing for about half an hour, she came so close to reaching her goal but then she quit like an uber goob.
This is a pic of the whole group that came out to help us canvass Dale
Below are more random pix of us at a park. teeheehee... let's not go into much detail...
So yeah, we passed by this absolutely gorgeous monastery and we just couldn't resist checkin' it out.
OH! I'm sorry! Is that "holy" water? Well, too late now. Some of us splashed around in it, washed our faces in it, and a couple of us may have put it in our hair. What can I say? It was one hot day and that big bowl of cold water showed up just in time... teeheehee...
Well, most people just call me Jose & I'm your average "normal, yet not normal" teenager that loves life & wants to have fun. I have 5 siblings & have been home schooled since the 3rd grade.I play the piano for our church & am the pastor's daughter. I was born in Pensacola, Florida but now live in "landlocked" Ohio where I am like a fish out of water, born to love the smell of the ocean & the sound of a thunderstorm. This is all pretty basic, and I can tell you that I am not all I appear. I try not to associate myself with labels, & I endeavor to be somewhat unique. People may stereotype me if the wish but if they took the time to get to know me, they would find that not everyone is what they seem. Diving deeper, you will find that I am also a conservative, a book lover, a born-again Christian, a dreamer, & I like to consider myself creative. I have a conviction to be in the ministry & a goal to perhaps become a professional photographer. I am who I am today because of the people that have surrounded me throughout my life, the experiences that I have gone through, & by the sheer grace & mercy of my Savior.
2 Creative Observation(s):
gosh i wish i could have been there with Tim and Wes and the rest of you guys... I'm sure i missed out on many inside jokes.... flapdoodle
HOLY WATER!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!! (dusts shoulders and turns in circle[ black spot pirates of the carribean]) _Haley
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