ARRG! Roar... soooo, ANYHOO! Camp was such a blessing! Besides the fact that we had a blast and I got the chance to meet some really grrrreat people, God revealed some things to me that I never really considered serious problems that needed immediate fixing. But it is serious and I am going to work on it. And I'm not just 'saying' I'm going to work on these issues, I REALLY AM! Because it's not just me they are affecting, it's everyone (my family, friends, etc. etc.). I realize that I am a very strong willed person and that is the main problem I need to fix. High spirited is okay (I'm that too) but strong willed isn't so cute. So please, keep me in your prayers as I endeavor to keep God FIRST and shape my life, who I am, and how I live around Him not myself. Enjoy the pictures! :D
me and Mike behind the random desk thing (it's only purpose is to make those that sit behind it look REALLY cool, at least that's the impression I got from it... heehee).
Tim, my fearless team captain and most lovable cousin.
playing 'Apples to Apples' on one very hot afternoon.
In this picture, counterclockwise starting at the window: Amanda, ME!!!, Tim, Chey, some random kid, Jeremiah, Jess, and Steve (at least I think his name was Steve...)
Alter call, me and my sisters.... I love em so much!
My cousin Wes was called to preach on this night! You can't really see him in this photo but he's the one that the big guy is hugging.
Me and Mike. Love you, my dear cousin!! I am sooo proud of you.
(from left to right) Laure'n, Tim, Doug, me, Wes, and Jeremiah. :p
A clip of one of our team skit thingamajiggies. Our team name was The Executioners...
Bro. Jack Patterson singing during an alter call.
1 Creative Observation(s):
guess its really gud 2 have a big family? havent had much luk myself with being the only child
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