Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's Official...

...Jordan and Haley are engaged!!!! :D

I love you both so very dearly, congratulations! I couldn't be happier for you. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store. But wait, there beith a dilemma...
"Sisters aren't
supposed to be best friends." ;)

7 Creative Observation(s):

Haley Jo. said...

Yep. Well I'm gonna miss being best friends but I suppose there comes a time..... Ha. Just kippin I love you and miss you a whole bunch. :) Thanks. -Haley. :)))

~Johanna~ said...

Miss you too, babe... so very much. It'll be so nice when you're an actual factual part of this family, even though it has already seemed to be that way for years. Haha.

This time last year if we would've discussed what we believed would transpire in a year, would you have ever imagined things would have turned out the way they have? So much has happened in a single year, it's hard to believe. And yet, we have grown so much from it.

I love you so much, my lovely. Looking forward to the good times that still yet lie ahead, for us and for both you and Jordan.

Much love, my dearest. Hope to see you soon.

PrincessDipti said...

tha'ts sweet.!

hello dear.. wud u mind if i'll say that plz leave some comments on any of my blog posts? not in the chatterbox.. but in the blog posts itself.. if u dont mind.. i need it for my grade. :) thanks a lot.. i am looking forward for your comment :)

Anonymous said...

how did he propose???

~Johanna~ said...

I have no problem telling you the story behind their engagement but it would really depend on who you were and if I knew you. Please don't take this the wrong way, I am not meaning to be rude in the least but you commented under anonymous and left no name.

Anonymous said...

why would it matter this (person anonymous)anyone can see this blog.

~Johanna~ said...

Exactly, anyone can see this blog. So if we wanted just anyone to know the story behind their engagement then I would have posted it along with the pictures... but I didn't.

Look, I'm not really sure why I didn't just tell you the story. It's not that big of a deal. Not sure what I was thinking, I must have just been having an 'ish' day. You made an effort by asking so I shall tell you the basics.

Jordan took Haley to the river where, I believe, they were sitting on a bench when he officially "popped the question".