While we were there we sung
'Nothin's Gonna Hold Me Here'
At the skating rink...

Me and my crony

Check out my totally crack-a-lackin hat!! I got it at an antique store. It's pretty flippin' sweet, I know your jealous...

K, so this is Haley "sneaking" up on Autumn, about to try to steal her hat.

Looks like a success!

Me and Sara (a.k.a. Joe Blow)

So Maaaaaaaagical!!!!!!!!!

"Black is traditional, dear..." (Coraline)
So yeah, some time while I was skating one of the BIG buttons on my skirt kinda fell off. At the time someone else had my camera and when I found out about my button...well, the pic below explains everything.

Then I dorkily decided to try to be a pirate but the button wouldn't stay on my eye. When this pic was taken it was falling off and now Haley is FORCING me to put it on here! Uggg, I'm sooo embarrassed...

Us on the BIG chair

Inside Joke...


Haley just got done doing this race thing with a bunch of other peeps when she came back over to us, I guess she forgot that there was a step there, completely tripped over it, and made quite a scene. It was rather sad, as you can tell I was all torn up about it. awww... poor thing...

Most of us on the BIG chair with Mrs. Abria (don't ask me why there's a big sign above us that says "Happy Birthday").

K, so around 1:30a.m. we finally were all done skating and it was time to go back to the hotel. Well, when we got there we waited . . . and waited . . . and waiting for Bro. Ryan (youth director/Pedro/B-Ry) to show up with the keys to our rooms. And because we were all sooooo veeerrrryyyy tired and he was taking sooooo veeerrrryyyy long we kinda just lied down on the floor.

By the time we got all situated and were all ready to go to sleep we weren't tired anymore. So of course, we had to do some fun stuff and stuffs. This is Chey and Haley going to get some sodas in their "skirts" LOL!

Here's Chey doing the "Salsa", I think.

Riding a horse, maybe?

Doing cartwheels...

Not really sure what was goin' in this pic

Okay, personal opinion, this was DEFINITELY my favorite picture of the weekend. I was posing like this for Haley and I had NO IDEA Chey was behind me doing this, but I was a little suspicious when I felt a huge *THWOMP* (that's my sound for when someone smacks me in the back of the head really hard). When we seen this pic for the first time, we started laughing sooooo hard that someone actually came out of their room and told us that we needed to be quiet and go back to our rooms, didn't know who the guy was but we certainly didn't go back to our rooms...

Haley, I'm putting this pic of you on here as revenge for forcing me to post that horrid pic of me with my button.

Showin' off her boots, I guess

hehehe, don't ask...

attempting to sneak away and hide 'cause we heard someone coming

Mom? What on earth are you doing?!

Yep, that's my mom...

One of my friends won this sucker in a 'chocolate covered insects eating' contest, he didn't want it so I volunteered to take it off his hands.

A closer look

Magical penny ring POWER...woooo...ahhhhh....

can ya guess what that is? don't worry I didn't actually eat it, I only posed for this pic 'cause (once again) Haley told me I should when I reached the scorpian.

all gone...
9 Creative Observation(s):
Hey Joe Bob, Love these pictures, They are so hiLAAAARIOUS!!!! Well, I am commenting this while you ran downstairs really fast so I am in quite a hurry, Oh and "Do you really want to hurt me? Do you Really want to make me Cry?" And "I wasn't Jealous before we met," You know the rest :D *haha* Well Better Go, Love You, BYE!!
Lol!!!! Looks like you had a fun time!! Great Pictures!!
Tombo :P
Jos if you don't eat the bug what did you do with it?
ashlyn (slappy mchappy)
That's for me to know and you to find find out...
for those of you who are looking at this post and wondering, where is the councilor? I am there I promise, you can see me peaking from behind the door and I promise it was not as bad as it looks:)as for Mrs. Leake, well she was enjoying a hot shower that she hadn't had in a long time, hahahahahah, because her hot water heater was broke:( i think Bro. Leake was already fast asleep!
O I forgot, and Bro. Williams was at McDonalds!
i definitely commented this entry! yes i did, without a doubt, so this poses the question,.."where did it go,..." *dramatic pause for effect!
anyway, i must say this is the first time i have looked at the blog and seen the pictures since the parental control felt the need to block all of them out. anyway, the editting on the magical ring of unseen powers is magnificent.
and to the scorpion
that goes to anything to do with animals and or insects of ANY kind.
oh, and your mother is definitely reminding me of the jungle book how the women carried those fruit baskets on their headsss, pretty tight i must say.
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