The other week I got the chance of a lifetime. Jordan pulled me aside and told me that his and Haley's 7th month anniversary was coming up and he was planning to compile an album of photographs for her. He wanted some updated creative photos of himself to put inside it as well and he asked me to take them. It was an opportunity of a lifetime because all of our childhood, and even still today, Jordan was the one that ALWAYS shied away from the camera, never wanting his picture taken. Anyway, I was very much excited but frightened. I always fear that (even though I know I have the ability to take a decent photograph) my mind will go blank or for some reason I won't do very well and the pictures won't turn out. Well, after a bit of warming up in the beginning my mind went to work and in the end the pictures turned out great in my opinion, considering the circumstances (ex. it was cloudy, it rained, sometimes awkward, got covered in tics because we sat in a tic's nest...) and I was very happy with them. Thank you Jordan for giving me this opportunity. Oh, and happy 21st birthday and 7th month anniversary! And to all you others, here are only a few of the 180 pictures I took that day. Enjoy!

4 Creative Observation(s):
Ah Johanna. These thoughts cross my mind more than you would think. I think about it all the time. I miss those days so much. I remember Cheyenne asking "What if we split up and aren't friends in a year or two's time?" I said don't be silly Cheyenne hat will never happen" .... Yeah. I miss you guys so much. I miss just being with you guys and spending time together. But yeah, I wrote this tidbit as a probable prologue to a story I'm writing. i'm not positive about it though.
Oh my goodness. Yes I've actually been thinking about that story here lately. :) deffinantly need to finish it. :) you could give it to me at your graduation thing but thats like two weeks away. Blah..
Haha. I know right.. I texted sierras phone and asked her to have you text me the other day but I guess she never got it. blahhh.
well.... hmppff. Text me sometime when you get the chance then. :)
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