Friday, August 29, 2008

Crazy-Funky Weekend

I was supposed to put this slide show on here in June but I was so busy that I couldn't find the time to finish it until now. These pix were taken on one very busy weekend; on Friday night we went to the theater, afterwards we went to the ice cream parlor where Autumn works, then went home with her to spend the night, stayed up late, woke up early on Saturday for the church's yard sale (to help raise money for camp), goofed around most of the time because no one wanted to buy our junk (surprise, surprise...), then finally we managed to escape to the high school near by where we were having a great time until Chey lost control of her bike, fell, gashed open her chin, and had to get sent to the hospital (those pix are not on the slide show). So, that's it. Hope you enjoy the videos!! =>

1 Creative Observation(s):

Haley Jo. said...

omg i loved the video wayy cute bahhaa well yeah thats all haha love you tons